
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

What I Drew Sunday, June 27th - Top 3

During last Sunday’s “What Shall I Draw Today?” an eight-hour session reserved for drawing other folks’ suggestions, I managed to create 8 sketches.
Here are the top 3 liked pieces from Sunday:

#1 - “The Family Circus” newspaper strip with Wanda, Vision, Billy and Tommy: suggestion by @nikkistar5394

These character are naturally from the Marvel Studios Disney-Plus series “WandaVision.” 

The Family Circus is the long running newspaper comic created by Bil Keane.

As a general note, what I did not realize when I had embarked on the day’s theme of “comics” is that I would very likely have to emulate the comic tone, humor and style of other artists. It’s a challenge that I enjoy, and in fact, it is a challenge that I did more often as I learned about art and popular artistic media such as newspaper comic strips. The standard layout of The Family Circus daily comic is to have the art bound in a circular frame with caption. One of the basic sources of humor for the comic is the world view of the family’s four kids shaped by the misunderstanding resulting from lack of experience.
WandaVision used the conceit of Wanda using her magic to structure her life as a television, family situation-comedy. Since part of that features all of the people around Wanda being unaware of being on a T.V. show, then maybe Billy and Tommy’s comments would be speculative about living on a once-a-week T.V. show. Is that irony?

Drawing the quartet sitting down watching television had never been a consideration. I gravitated to an outdoor scene. Having the twins playing with Avengers action figures was intentionally an additional infusion of “Marvel” that any ironic commentary. Which isn’t to say that the dolls that they’re holding aren’t intentionally representative of other Marvel/Disney-Plus content: The Falcon (a.k.a. Captain America) and the Winter Soldier, Loki, and The Black Widow movie. I was only after placing the Iron Man doll on the ground to fill the space, that it dawned on me that effectively his story was complete and the comic’s subtext was was about New stories versus the old. You’d think that I had planned it that way.

#2 - Wednesday Addams: suggestion by @alltookayleigh

As the first sketch comic of the day, I chose to emulate Charles Addams comic, The Addams Family. I struggled with the imagery of Wednesday with a huge axe, only in so far as how I could make that funny.

Time being short, I looked up movie quotes from the 1991 live-action movie featuring a young Christina Ricci playing Wednesday Addams. Is it Wednesday’s best line in the movie? It is certainly up there. It does require some context. One at least has to have knowledge of “Girl Scout Cookies.”

I changed the scene setup from what is depicted in the movie. In the movie, Wednesday and brother Pugsley are running a old-time lemonade stand and are approach by the Girl Scout who has boxes of Girl Scout cookies in hand. I stripped out the lemonade and Pugsley to the basic elements.

Arguably, the better worded caption could be, “Are your cookies made from real girl scouts?”

The raven and spider were added because I thought it needed more macabre elements.

#3 - Donald Duck meeting Howard the Duck:
suggestion by @akoymdf

The meeting of two ducks, one from family-friendly Disney and the other the subversive opposite of that. Early Donald was quite the rascally-child who took short cuts whenever possible if he couldn’t first not opt out of doing a task in the first place. I thought that even that version would contrast greatly against a world-weary duck from another world/universe (I don’t really know which).

I also opted to contain the scene onto a smaller collector card. This actually meant that I was unwilling to invest in drawing a lot of supporting props and/or backgrounds. The conflict ended up having Howard complaint about something about Donald or Donald’s world. Enter Disneyland and its iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle. It may well be that I can’t go a whole WSIDT day with out drawing something about a Disney Park.

2x hidden Mickeys. (One is teeny tiny)

Here are the rest of the 5 drawn on Sunday:

The Rocketeer!

suggestion by @evanblasor

Calvin as Loki the trickster who loves chaos

suggestion by @oliviamn14

Jessica Jones and Batman in a bar (because they are both moody detectives who are orphans)

suggestion by @ani8tor57

Snoopy as Krypto the Wonder Dog

suggestion by @jonmpeterson

Static Shock

suggestion by Abigail R.

All of these and more original piece of art will be for sale at my next comic convention showing, which, I guess, will be in 2022.

The next WSIDT session is happening in July 25th.

Thank you to everyone who pitched their fun drawing suggestions. Thank you for following my blog and/or Instagram (@Monstergram7) and/or Monster Enterprises Facebook page. Thank you for liking.

All: Black ink and color pencil.

“WandaVision Family Circus”: on Bristol Board, 12.70 cm x 17.78 cm (5.00 in. x 7.00 in.)
“Wednesday”: on watercolor paper, 12.70 cm x 17.78 cm (5.00 in. x 7.00 in.)
“Donald and Howard”: on Bristol Board, 8.89 cm x 6.35 cm  (3.50 in. x 2.50 in.)

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