UTG #20001, page 7, panel 6
light blue and blue Col-Erase pencil on Bristol board
14.60 x 12.70 cm (5.75" x 5.00")

UTG #20001, page 7, panel 6
India ink and color pencil on Bristol board
14.60 x 12.70 cm (5.75" x 5.00")
Writer Merrill Hagan and I had a discussion regarding how much flirtation should occur between T.G. and Eagle One. By this panel, Eagle One has definitely encroached too far into T.G's personal space.
Eagle One's costume design in greatly influenced by Elvis' style, it's the details that amuse me. I imagine that he has designed it himself and had someone else do the sewing, a moll perhaps? With Herculean strength, he chose white and gold, colors appropriate for a Greek God. In love with his code name, he's got an ill-fitting eagle on the front holding a numeral "1" in each talon (based in the quarter design), a bird on the back (based off a Pontiac Firebird hood design); a winged numeral "1" on his belt buckle and his name written both across the back of his shoulders and the back part of his belt. Conceptually, he should have more bird motifs on the clasps on his cape and in the embroidery on his pant cuffs.

UTG #20001, page 8, panel 4
light blue and blue Col-Erase pencil on Bristol board
13.02 x 12.70 cm (5.12" x 5.00")

UTG #20001, page 8, panel 4
India ink and color pencil on Bristol board
13.02 x 12.70 cm (5.12" x 5.00")
I like lettering - playing with letter forms. In comics, it can add another layer to set or reinforce the feeling of the visuals. To that end, I prefer to draw those sound effects - or maybe I'm to cheap to buy a bunch of fonts.

UTG #20001, page 9, panel 3
light blue and blue Col-Erase pencil on Bristol board
11.75 x 12.70 cm (4.62" x 5.00")

UTG #20001, page 9, panel 3
India ink and color pencil on Bristol board
11.75 x 12.70 cm (4.62" x 5.00")
This is an example where working painterly with the inks over loose pencil art had less that excellent results. The perspective, both in the indeterminate vanishing point(s) and the unconvincing scale reduction of black jack tables and other property is wonky.
The figure work, too have little problems.
Also by this page, I had lost the point on my inking brush. However, liking the added dry brush effect I continued with the same brush throughout the adventure.

UTG #20001, page 12, panel 2
light blue and blue Col-Erase pencil on Bristol board
13.65 x 13.02 cm (5.38" x 5.12")

UTG #20001, page 12, panel 2
India ink and color pencil on Bristol board
13.65 x 13.02 cm (5.38" x 5.12")
I'm focusing on this panel because of my Disney geekiness. Hemlocke's penthouse meeting room located atop the central tower of the Golden Cactus Casino & Hotel is based on doubling the size of the design of Slue Foot Sue's Golden Horseshoe Saloon in Frontierland, Disneyland.
Hemlocke's desk with its bank of monitors is where the band pit would be. There's a bar to the right. Plainly, there is a stage with a huge wall of windows instead of a painted backdrop. Off in the wings of the stage would be various private rooms. Vertically the entire room is 4-stories tall.