preliminary sketch
8.4 x 10.9 in, black ball point pen on ruled paper.

Halloween. All Hallows Eve.
Once again, there is a pumpkin carving contest at the Turner campus of cable networks, Atlanta. It's the fourth annual competition if you believe the signs - that can't be right can it?
Here above is my entry, my first since working at Cartoon Network.
It's Oz the magnificent.
I should have carved it bigger on the pumpkin I think, and I don't think that cranium is properly voluminous.
I had also planned to carve the man behind the curtain on the back or the side, but by 6:00 a.m., I no longer felt like it. But you can see what it may have looked like from my sketch.

Here's the grand gourd four days later.
It will surely to degrade into something truly hideous by Halloween I think.
People vote by placing money in numbered containers. All proceeds go to UNICEF. In previous years, they placed actual orange UNICEF boxes.
The competing Flapjack entry behind the Wiz-kin was done by one of my department's in-house freelance designers, Danny Hong.