a: Supergirl & Gorilla Grodd, red ball-point pen ink and black marker on paper, 8.5 x 11.0 in.
b: Supergirl & Brainiac Five, red ball-point pen ink and black marker on paper, 7.0 x 7.0 in.
I drew a couple of set ups featuring DC's maid of might in my sketchbook. In part, further refining an animation friendly style; in other part, playing with some new markers, Faber-Castell PITT artist pens with the soft "B" nibs. They sort of act like a small round brush.
I often revisit the early 1970's costume with the V-neck, puffy sleeve blouse and red shorts, or an allusion to it (a). I favor a skirt over shorts or hot-pants. Skirts and capes ought to look good on a flying figure in animation. On that thought, animation design probably favors a large chest emblem (b) of the original 1960's costume. But then again, thinking how Superman's "S" has poorly tracked and flickered in animation, maybe the small patch is the way to go, cheating with a red triangle for the in-betweens. Current animation styles would lead me to think that this broken or implied line style is not animation friendly. If so, I say that computer colorists are lazy.
I don't draw a lot of gorillas (a). I have neither figured out Brainiac Five (b), nor subsequently the Legion of Superheroes quite yet. I have, however, decided that his time traveling disguise is student, Brian Pfeiffer.
Supergirl, Gorilla Grodd, Brainiac Five, Legion of Superheroes © DC Comics